


根据马来西亚、印尼、和汶莱共同达成的默契,马来语是以廖内语(Bahasa Riau)--- 苏门达腊廖内省(Riau)的口音 --- 当作标准腔的。这是因为长久以来,现属印尼的廖内省一直被视为是马来语的诞生地。

在马来西亚,马来语被称之为“Bahasa Melayu (马来语言;Malay language)”或“Bahasa Malaysia (马来西亚语言;Malaysian language)”。“马来西亚语言”是马来西亚政府在1967年的“国语法案(National Language Act)”中被使用的语汇。一直到1990年以前,“马来西亚语言”是比较常被用来指涉马来语的一个名称。但是在1990年以后,不论是官方人士或者是学院里面的学者,却都逐渐倾向于用“马来语言” --- 这是马来语版的“马来西亚联邦宪法”中所使用的语汇 --- 来指涉马来语。

印尼在宣布独立以后,也是使用某种形式的马来语当作其官方语言,但是却将其称之为“Bahasa Indonesia (印尼语言)”。至于在汶莱和新加坡,他们所使用的马来语则是被简单称为“Malay (马来语)”或者是“Bahasa Melayu (马来语言)”。

基本上,所谓“马来语言”和“印尼语言”的区别,是基于政治上的原因,而不是基于语言学上的考虑。使用这两种语言的人基本上是可以互相沟通的,虽然有不少语汇不一定完全相同。但是,值得注意的是,很多马来方言彼此之间反而无法完全互相沟通。比如说,对很多马来人而言,他们就很难理解吉兰丹语(Kelantanese)的发音。此外,印尼爪哇的马来语(Javanese Malay),则是拥有很多特有的词汇,即使是熟悉马来语的马来人也无法完全理解这些词汇的意思。




There are many hypotheses as to where the Malay language originated. One of these is that it came from Sumatra island. The oldest written documents in Malay, dated from the end of the 7th century AD, were found on Bangka Island, off the southeastern coast of Sumatra and in Palembang in southern Sumatra. "Malayu" was the name of an old kingdom located in Jambi province in eastern Sumatra. It was known in ancient Chinese texts as "Mo-lo-yo" and mentioned in the Nagarakertagama, an old Javanese epic written in 1365, as one of the "tributary states" of the Majapahit kingdom in eastern Java.

The use of Malay throughout insular and peninsular Southeast Asia is linked to the rise of Muslim kingdoms and the spread of Islam, itself a consequence of growing regional trade.

Indonesia pronounced a variety of Malay its official language when it gained independence, calling it Bahasa Indonesia. However, the language had already been used as the lingua franca throughout the archipelago since the 15th century. Since 1928, nationalists and young people throughout the Indonesian archipelago declared it to be Indonesia's only official language, as proclaimed in the Sumpah Pemuda "Youth Vow." Thus Indonesia was the first country to designate it as an official language. In several parts of Indonesia, in Sumatra and Borneo Islands, Malay is spoken as local dialect of ethnic Malays.

In Malaysia, the term Bahasa Malaysia was in use until the 1990s, when most academics and government officials reverted to "Bahasa Melayu," used in the Malay version of the Federal Constitution. According to Article 152 of the Federal Constitution, Malay is the official language of Malaysia. "Bahasa Kebangsaan" (National Language) was also used at one point during the 1970s. At present day, the government is referring to the language as Bahasa Malaysia again. Similar to Malaysia in the mid 1990's, "Bahasa Melayu" was defined as Brunei's official language in the country's 1959 Constitution.

Indonesian and Malay are separated by some centuries of different vocabulary development, partly due to the influence of different colonial languages; Dutch in the case of Indonesia, formerly the Dutch East Indies and English in the case of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei, which were formerly under British rule.

Some Malay dialects, however, show only limited mutual intelligibility with the standard language; for example, Kelantanese pronunciation is difficult even for some fellow Malay speakers to understand, while Indonesian contains many words unique to it that are unfamiliar to speakers of Malay (some because of Javanese (bahasa Jawa), Sundanese (bahasa Sunda) or other local language influence, and some because the language has been modified by youngsters).

The language spoken by the Peranakan (Straits Chinese, a hybrid of Chinese settlers from the Ming Dynasty and local Malays) is a unique patois of Malay and the Chinese Hokkien dialect, which is mostly spoken in the former Straits Settlements of Penang and Malacca in Malaysia, and the Indonesian Archipelago.

-Info courtesy of Wikipedia-



马来语(马来语:Bahasa Melayu)在语言分类上是属于南岛语系的马来-玻里尼西亚语族,主要被使用于马来西亚以及马来西亚周边的邻国,比如说泰国、新加坡、汶莱、菲律宾、以及印尼苏门达腊岛的部分地区等。在1945年以前,印尼苏门达腊以外的很多地方也是使用马来语。但是在印尼于该年从荷兰手中宣布独立以后,该国所使用的马来语则被称为印尼语(Bahasa Indonesia)。此外,马来语在东帝汶也是一个被广泛使用的工作语言。

在马来西亚,大概有1300万人是以马来语为母语,约占全国人口的52%。此外,在马来西亚还有1000万人是以马来语作为他们的第二语言。至于在其他国家,印尼的苏门达腊也有1000万的马来语使用人口,泰国有100万,新加坡则有40万人左右(Ethnologue: Languages of the World 2005;博文翻译有限公司nd)。



Malay is a group of languages closely related to each other to the point of mutual intelligibility but that linguists consider to be separate languages. They are grouped into a group called "Local Malay", part of a larger group called "Malayan" within the Malayo-Polynesian branch of the Austronesian language family.The various forms of Malay are spoken in Brunei, Indonesia (where the national language, Indonesian, is a variety of it), Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, and southern Thailand.

Malay is the official language of Brunei and Malaysia. In Malaysia, the language is also called Bahasa Malaysia. Singapore, Brunei and southern Thailand refer to the language as Bahasa Melayu ("Malay language"). Malay is one of the national languages of Singapore. The national language of Indonesia, which was derived from Bahasa Malayu, is Indonesian, formally referred to as Bahasa Indonesia which literally translates as "Indonesian language". It is also called Bahasa Nasional (National Language) and Bahasa Persatuan/Pemersatu (Unifying Language) in Indonesia. In some regions of Sumatera, Indonesians refer to the Indonesian language as Bahasa Melayu. Indonesian is also used in East Timor, a consequence of more than 20 years of Indonesian administration and is now a "working language" of that country.

-Info courtesy of Wikipedia-


Selamat Datang
